We all have so much things to focus on, like social media, our popularity status, fashion etc. But we all should really be focusing on all the important things in life. Not just un-important, silly things which don't even necessarily need to focus on as much as somethings we need to focus on more. Today's blog post will be some things I think are the important things in life we need to think about.


Your family are one of the most important things to focus on, but obviously some families are not very nice, and you might not get along with them. So whoever looks after you at home and they're nice. You need to focus on them a lot more if you don't already, but if anything bad happens to you, your guardian/family are always there for you. Internet has now in my opinion caused teenagers to spend less time with their family and just go on Facebook or Instagram. Always focus on your relationship with your family.


Your friends will come and they will go. but they usually say if you've had a friend for over a couple of years then you'll be friends for life. If you feel like your friends are genuine, then focus on building the relationship as strong as it can get. Friends are so important to have, it's such a key essential in life to have good and close friends. If you have a heartbreak or you're sad about anything, your close friends will be there. I have not many friends, but the friends I do have are the closest and most loyal and caring.


Educations is also extremely important to focus on, the work, the homework, the coursework you should all focus on a lot. It's vital you try your best to go to school, college and university because at the end of it all you will need to find a job you want/enjoy/need as you need your own money to spend and you really don't want to fail at anything and end up having a bad job and a sad life. Get off your phone, go to school and work hard. Believe in yourself and you can do it. As my tutor in college says "There is no such thing as trying, you either do it or you don't" - Karen


Hygiene and Healthy are also the most important things to focus on, you don't want to get any un-wanted spots or infections. Make sure you wash your face every day at least twice just because it's very clean to do so. Also make sure you brush your teeth 2 twice a day. I wash my face as soon as I finish waking up, Then I clean my teeth, it's very important to clean your teeth.


Your mental health is vital, if you are feeling very sad, and you have been experiencing the things below: 

Difficulty concentrating, remembering details, and making decisions

Fatigue and decreased energy

Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and/or helplessness

Feelings of hopelessness and/or pessimism

Insomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping

Irritability, restlessness

Loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable, including Sex

Overeating or appetite loss

Persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment

Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" feelings

Thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts

These are all symptoms of Depression, which isn't a nice thing to experience in your life. So if you're noticing any of the above please tell your parents or anyone who you trust and know can help. Go to your GP and please just explain to them how you feel, please don't forget you aren't alone. I, myself suffer with Depression and have done for many years now and it's so hard to do day to day things in life so if you ever notice any of those symptoms please contact your local GP. 

Thank you for reading, I hope I really helped anyone in struggle with any problems.

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